ಶಾಲೆಯ ಇತಿಹಾಸ

School History

Come let’s learn and teach!!!

ಬನ್ನಿ ಕಲಿಯೋಣ, ಕಲಿಸೋಣ !!!

“Kannada Kali “ was started as a very informal way of teaching ಕನ್ನಡ to kids in Montreal in the year 2018 by a small group of 5 volunteer parent-teachers who were taking turns to teach the group on alternate weekends and support each other.

It was a baby step for this young school- in its making. Now, it’s a moment of pride to announce a new formal school - Kasturi Kannada Shaale in collaboration with the prestigious Kannada Academy and the support of Kannada Koota Montreal, to take a step further for our kids to learn this amazing and simple language. We are now 24 kids, 5 teachers, 2 administrative staff and 1 Principal- strong and well founded.

We welcome any kids aged 5-15 yrs to our new and fortified structure in curriculum. Many thanks to all the parents.